Thursday, April 01, 2010

Easter and the locusts

Fifty-nine people are coming to our house to celebrate Easter. That is the adults; I didn't include the kids in the count. They just suck on a piece of fruit and chew a little ham. Now, you don't know this about me but I am quite the accomplished hostess. Twenty guests? No problem. Thirty-five? I need to start planning a little ahead. Over 50? Even I get a little nervous. It gets tricky trying to figure out how much of a pound I need for each guest. Then there is the whole process of dish assignment. In our culture (Haynes's), everyone brings something to share. You lose control but for 59, you need some major help. So, I'm not quite sure what will show up at the buffet but I have an inkling. Friends and family will start arriving at 2. Appetizers: vegetable platter, huge cheese platter (thanks Whole Foods!), deviled eggs, big shrimp platter (thanks Gelsons), two mushroom tarts. Dinner will be a whole poached salmon, leg of lamb (boned and butterflied and marinated), cherry glazed ham. All desserts are delegated to my baking buddies. The trickiest part is saying grace. The meal gets cold while we gather all the troops and then give thanks.